Description (3)
Inspired by the long-standing annual US Workshop on Automorphic Forms and Related Topics, this workshop aims to generate and sustain a friendly and supportive atmosphere that provides encouragement to young researchers, mentoring opportunities for more established researchers, as well as a lively forum for exchanging ideas and forming new collaborations. All workshop participants are encouraged to speak on their research. The workshop takes place in the second week of the meeting, which is : 8-13 August 2022. Due to air-conditioning, the talks will take place in the Business Academy building, School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo, Skenderija 70 . The registration fee for the Workshop is 35 EUR, but it can be waived for those with financial need.
About the workshop
The workshop talks will be 20 and 30 minutes in length; researchers at all stages of their careers are encouraged to present their work. Each day will begin with a talk that is, at least in part, a survey of some aspect of automorphic forms.
We invite participants to bring posters on some of their research in automorphic forms that we will display outside the workshop lecture hall in the School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo.
Following the success of "speed-talks" in the Texas-Oklahoma Representations and Automorphic Forms series of conferences, and in the spirit of the BBC Radio 4 show “Just a Minute”, we will have a session of 2-minute talks where the speakers are charged with presenting some mathematics, without hesitation, deviation, or repetition. Such talks provide a lighthearted opportunity to learn about others' research, and it will be scheduled at the end of a morning or afternoon session, so that discussions can continue following the session.
Other planned activities:
- Presentation, discussion and panel dedicated to Lynne Walling
- Socialising events
The research school consist of three 2-day mini-courses, taught by teams of internationally renowned researchers, who are known to be excellent teachers; see the schedule and the topics below. We expect 40-55 students. Each day begins with 3 hours of lecture; in the afternoons the students work through exercises. All school participants are encouraged to stay and speak in the workshop that follows; all workshop participants who want to speak are scheduled to do so. Click here to view the poster.
For optimal consideration, Summer School applicants should apply by May 15, 2022.
Prerequisites: Number Theory, Complex Analysis, Modular Forms, and (strongly recommended) Representation Theory of Groups at the undergraduate or 1st year post-graduate level.
The courses are scheduled 9am-5:30pm each day, with a lunch break. They will be held in at the third floor of the Business Academy building. Three rooms at the third floor will be available for working in groups during the exercise sessions.
Title |
Lecturers |
Days |
Lattices, finite quadratic modules, and Weil representations |
Nils Skoruppa (Siegen), Fredrik Stromberg (Nottingham) |
Monday and Tuesday |
Anders Karlsson (Geneve), Andreas Strombergsson (Uppsala) |
Wednesday and Thursday |
Kathrin Maurischat (Heidelberg), Yiannis Petridis (London) |
Friday and Saturday |
For successful applicants the organisers will arrange and pay for the hotel rooms in the Hotel Astra Garni and subsidize a part of their travel costs. Due to limited funding available, students will be asked to share their rooms, if possible.
The summer school will have space for some self-funded students, who can register and book accomodation for negotiated half-price hotel rates.
Automorphic forms are present in almost every area of modern number theory. In recent decades there has been a starburst of activity and progress in this broad area, leading to many new directions, applications, and links with other areas within mathematics and mathematical physics. The purpose of this meeting is to bring together researchers from the EU, US, and elsewhere to understanding the latest developments in the subject, and to provide an environment in which researchers can freely exchange ideas and form new connections.
The research school (poster) aims provide graduate students and early career researchers with training on some topics that are having great impact on current research in automorphic forms. The school takes place in the first week of the meeting, and will be comprised of three 2-day intensive mini-courses, each team-taught by a pair of experts, and supplemented by afternoon problems sessions
The workshop, which takes place in the second week of the meeting, aims to foster and strengthen a long-lasting exchange between automorphic forms researchers in the EU and the US. The focus includes all areas of research related to automorphic forms. Like previous meetings, particular effort will be made to generate and sustain a friendly, supportive atmosphere, providing encouragement to young researchers, mentoring opportunities for more established researchers.