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Student registration

Published in Student registration
Monday, 02-01-2016


The purpose of the research school is to provide training on some topics that are having great impact on current research in automorphic forms, allowing participants make new connections, with areas related to their current research programs and with other researchers. The school is comprised of three 2-day intensive mini-courses, each team-taught by a pair of experts.

The research school takes place in the first week of the meeting, 30th June - 5th July 2014. The lectures will take place in the mathematics department of the University of Bristol. Click here to view the poster.


The courses are scheduled 9am-5:30pm each day, with a lunch break. They will be held in SM1 of the mathematics building. Other rooms will be available for working in groups during the exercise sessions.

There will be a group to the mathematics building from the Ibis City Center hotel on Monday morning. If you would like to join this group then please email Andy Corbett, Jolanta Marzec, or Efthymios Sofos.

There will be a BBQ held at Goldney Hall on Monday at 6:30pm. Again, there will be group walking over together from the mathematics building.

On Tuesday evening there will be a colloquium talk given by Sarah Zerbes. The talk will be followed by a wine reception.






Explicit Methods for Modular Forms 
and L-functions
John Cremona and Tim Dokchitser Martin Dickson Monday and Tuesday
The Legacy of Ramanujan Bill Duke and Paul Jenkins Yingkun Li Wednesday and Thursday
The Langlands Program Jim Cogdell and Solomon Friedberg Ameya Pitale Friday and Saturday



Read 536 times Last modified on Tuesday, 02 February 2016 13:24